look, i'm 20 now
2005-08-01 - 11:47 P.M.

The longer I go without updating this thing, the harder it is to actually make an entry. All the things I want to say just keep building up until I forget half of them & am too exhausted to discuss the rest. It really bugs me after a while.

So first of all, I'm finally being put back on my full 40 hours at work. Yay for the $450/$500 paychecks!

And for those of you who care to know, I had a pretty awesome birthday. Most of the day was spent just hanging out at work. Even though I was off that day, they were having this big "employee appreciation" thing & we got paid for 2 hours if we showed up. Basically what it amounted to was that our site had the best metrics & all that good shit so ClientLogic (or Dell? Fuck if I know) decided they'd feed us. So we had lots of food & free prizes. I didn't win any prizes but one of my coworkers gave me a TracFone he won. I think I'm gonna give it to Kevin, considering he's the only person I know that doesn't have a cell phone. Whoo.

And as for the missing of Tia.. I read her diary the other day & she was talking about an incident a month or so ago when I called her weak. So I left her a note, explaining that I didn't really find her that weak - I had only said so because I knew that at one point she had seen herself as weak and I knew that'd get to her, ya know? So she sent a note back, apologizing for everything & basically telling me that wherever things went from here, they were in my hands. I decided that I wanted us to try out things again & see what happened.

So after the thing at work on Friday, Heather & I headed over to Winfield's ClientLogic to see Tia. We hung out for about 30 minutes or so & drive all around Winfield while I took shitty pictures with her camera. Horrible pictures. And one of Heather looking so butchy that it's scary.

Anyway, I hung out with her again today since I was off work. Her being Tia, not Heather. It was pretty awesome. We rented a couple of movies & hung out at the apartment again. I've really missed that. I've missed her as well. In more ways than one..

And I realize that even speaking with Tia again is going against some very much appreciated advice given to me by an awesome person but I came to the conclusion that the pros outweighed the cons & if I didn't go for it, I'd regret it for a very long time.

And just for the record, it really pisses me off when people who supposedly care know it's my birthday but won't even ask me how it was or wish me a belated happy one. That's all I'm saying.

Anyway, now it's taken almost an hour & a half to make this entry, thanks to Tia & Heather. It's not even really that long either & doesn't talk about half the things I wanted to discuss. But that's okay.

Fuck this. I'm going to bed now. Yay sleep.

past - future


about me
Jess, 21 years old, single, bisexual, honest, unique, Southern, caring, mischievous, kick-ass, friendly, uncoordinated, funny, emotional, beautiful, sexy, trustworthy, searching, open-minded, giving

my friends, dreams, hugs, laughter, children, piercings, music, purple, forensic science, horoscopes, blue eyes, snow, animals, the 80s, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Van Gogh, the night, movies, candles, big cities, horror movies, Invader Zim, Orbit Spearmint gum, keychains, Happy Bunny, Maddox

general ignorance, homophobia, bad spelling/grammar, sneezing, organized religion, yelling, being alone, confrontation, dishonesty, people who try to tell me how to feel, falling for people you're unable to be with, arrogance, pop culture, people who always make things out to be about them, Coca-Cola, Brad Pitt, skinny chicks that are convinced they're fat