yay job
2004-07-13 - 4:53 p.m.

Oh my god! Guess what!

I have a job. :) I start work at ClientLogic on Monday. I have to be there at 7. Gross. That means I'll have to wake up at 5 and leave by 6-ish. That's the only bad part.

Let's see here.. I'm working 7 to 4 my first day and it'll be training and such so it probably won't be that bad. Oh, and even though it's just training for these first 3 weeks, I still get paid $7/hr. like I would normally. So that's super-cool.

Okay, I take it back about waking up early being the only bad part. The other bad part is that I'll still be in training when my birthday arrives so I'm not sure if Jim and I will get to spend as much time together as previously thought. See, if I miss more than 8 hours of the training, I'm dismissed and, well, that's just the end of it. So I'm wondering if I should just suggest to Jim that we delay his visiting. I'm sure after I'm finished with the training period, I'll be able to get a few days off. I'm just not sure if I'll have much time off for the next three weeks. I really, really want to see him though so I'm hoping I'll find out more Monday about how my schedule will be and everything. Maybe it'll all work out and I'll have more free time than I thought.

That interview today was so gross. Mary (I forget her last name but she's the lady that interviewed me) asked me how I adjusted to change, what I liked/disliked about working at Jack's, etc etc. And she asked me this retarded question about what three rules or whatever I would enforce if I owned my own business. Yeah, that question was stupid. Bah.

Anyway, so yes, this is employed me. Don't I look absolutely lovely?

In other news, Jim's computer has died. RIP Jim's computer, I loved thee well. Actually, you didn't fully cooperate sometimes and I debated beating at you with a baseball bat. I'm sure there was some love in there somewhere though.

His phone has already been hating me lately. Our phone calls don't seem to go through to each other. And when I finally somehow got through to him the other night, we only chatted for 15 minutes (This is after he'd had his phone charging ALL day) before his battery was pretty much dead. So apparently his battery hates me. He should get a new one.

Thomas said today that Jim should hopefully be getting a rental computer or whatever today and/or a new one on Thursday. So that's nifty and everything. I left a huge, rambling voice message for him earlier, telling him about the job and how I missed him and how I was sorry for that last email I sent him (It was kinda sad-ish and pretty much insane), blah blah blah. Hopefully I can talk with him again soon.

Oh, and I think I might've possibly convinced Dan to tag along to Alabama with Jim in a couple of weeks. :) That'll be super-cool! He said he'd think about it. And really, who would pass up a chance to hang out with me for a couple of days?? :)

So I think that's pretty much all I really wanted to say. Sorry about that previous entry. I just get retarded at times I suppose.

past - future


about me
Jess, 21 years old, single, bisexual, honest, unique, Southern, caring, mischievous, kick-ass, friendly, uncoordinated, funny, emotional, beautiful, sexy, trustworthy, searching, open-minded, giving

my friends, dreams, hugs, laughter, children, piercings, music, purple, forensic science, horoscopes, blue eyes, snow, animals, the 80s, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Van Gogh, the night, movies, candles, big cities, horror movies, Invader Zim, Orbit Spearmint gum, keychains, Happy Bunny, Maddox

general ignorance, homophobia, bad spelling/grammar, sneezing, organized religion, yelling, being alone, confrontation, dishonesty, people who try to tell me how to feel, falling for people you're unable to be with, arrogance, pop culture, people who always make things out to be about them, Coca-Cola, Brad Pitt, skinny chicks that are convinced they're fat