no bluehat, no 10 lbs
2005-05-24 - 11:05 P.M.

First off, it's really starting to annoy me that two months after a server crash, there are still bugs & kinks to be worked out. I still can't access my archived private entries page. Pisses. Me. Off. Now I know that Andrew is probably still working on all this stuff & I know it was major and everything but I'm thinking about moving my diary to somewhere a bit more.. Stable. I dunno. I have no clue where I'd move to though. I might just stop the diary thing altogether.

On a random note, it deeply saddens me that no one else has added Edgar Allan Poe (or Edgar Allen Poe (common misspelling), E.A. Poe, or just Poe) as one of their favourite authors. Perhaps the search feature is still fucked up as well. Ya know, like shitloads of other things. Just sayin'.

So today was my trip to Dr. McLean in Birmingham to see how much weight I've lost & all that good stuff. Apparently I've either gained back a few pounds (how?!) or the scales lied to me or something. Fourteen was just an estimate anyway though so yeah.. Anyway, I've lost 10 pounds. Yay me! That seems like so very little. Especially when you compare that to my overall goal, which I'm definitely not going to broadcast on here because it'll make me look like even bigger than I already am.

My next visit to see him isn't until September so I have lots of time to shed the pounds & like completely blow everyone away by then.

I need to start exercising more.

So anyway, much to mine & Heather's dismay, BlueHat is apparently quitting his job at ClientLogic. He & his wife are getting a divorce and he apparently needs a job closer to home so he can be near his daughter or something. I dunno. It all doesn't make sense to me. He's not even making any more at the new job than he was already making at ClientLogic so there's obviously not an underlying motive concerning money. I feel kinda abandoned though. Maybe it's just because I know I'm shitty at keeping in touch with people though - so I know that I won't see him as much anymore, if at all. It saddens me because he's extremely cool & we didn't get a chance to be friends long. Bah. I asked him if he wanted to hang out with Heather & I this Friday but he said that he wasn't sure what plans he might have. It all sucks.

I don't guess I really have much else to talk about. Lots of work going on, hanging out with Heather on Friday & maybe with Nicole on Saturday (if everything goes as planned), etc. Oh, and Rob apparently was "mistaken" when he told me he loved me.

Yes, you read that right.

I wish people had the inability to proclaim love unless they absolutely meant it. Sure you'd hear it a significantly less amount but at least when you did hear it, you'd know that there wasn't any doubt or lying there, ya know?

Stupid love. Sometimes I think I'd just be better off without it..

past - future


about me
Jess, 21 years old, single, bisexual, honest, unique, Southern, caring, mischievous, kick-ass, friendly, uncoordinated, funny, emotional, beautiful, sexy, trustworthy, searching, open-minded, giving

my friends, dreams, hugs, laughter, children, piercings, music, purple, forensic science, horoscopes, blue eyes, snow, animals, the 80s, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Van Gogh, the night, movies, candles, big cities, horror movies, Invader Zim, Orbit Spearmint gum, keychains, Happy Bunny, Maddox

general ignorance, homophobia, bad spelling/grammar, sneezing, organized religion, yelling, being alone, confrontation, dishonesty, people who try to tell me how to feel, falling for people you're unable to be with, arrogance, pop culture, people who always make things out to be about them, Coca-Cola, Brad Pitt, skinny chicks that are convinced they're fat